I also had to set about creating thanks yous for all the awesome birthday presents I received. This was a quick solution and probably one of my more ingenious ideas. I love love love these Basic Grey papers. They made my job ten fold easier just by existing! Of course, I had to have them all...and the matching buttons...and the matching brads. What can I say, here's another not so secret obsession of mine.
I don't care. What I do makes people happy (at least I'd like to think so). I love getting cards, so why wouldn't anyone else. I firmly believe that if someone randomly pops into your head, there's a reason for that. Perhaps things aren't going so well for them, perhaps they need a friend. I never over look those opportunities because you never know how something so little can have such an impact on someone who's down. Or how special a person can feel, just because they know you're thinking about them. Ok, done with my preaching! But this is something I do feel strongly about. I call people out of the blue all of the time, I write on their facebook walls, I send them e-mails and messages and if I have their address, I drop them a card. It's me. It's what I do.
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