Friday, February 12, 2010

Oddball: All About Me

It's up! It's up! My first layout contribution to a design team :) This makes me very happy! I've never done a "10 things/All About Me" page, so when the girls proposed it, I was so excited to participate. Since I would consider myself a lame duck, I figured I'd share some of my personal oddities and quirks. They really are the crazy things that make me, me!
  1. I didn't dress up for Halloween as a kid. (This picture is from college and actually the first time I'd ever dressed up!)
  2. I'm not too into music. (Gasp! I know...)
  3. I eat to live rather than live to eat, and sometimes forget to even do that. (Just ask all of my roomates! They were constantly checking to see if I remembered to eat!)
  4. I hate jeans. (Seriously, they're the bane of my existence)
  5. I may not know what I want to eat, but I always know what I want to drink. (XXX Vitamin Water at the moment)
  6. I've never believed in Santa Claus. (Yeah, my parents just never told us about him)
  7. I've never been comfortable relaxing on couches. (I have no idea why!)
  8. I don't drink coffee. (Bleck! I also don't consume anything coffee flavored, i.e. ice cream, tiramasu, etc.)
  9. I've always been a little odd. (Hey! You try being one of the only Mexican girls at an all Caucasian school! Did I mention I grew up in a city with the largest population of Mexican Americans? Something just doesn't quite add up there...)
  10. I like being different. (It's true!)

For this layout, I went for a monochromatic color scheme. I have no idea why I wanted to do this but I'm very happy with how it turned out! Whites, creams, khakis, and browns were the color scheme I went with. I even added a neutral paint sample behind my photos for some extra emphasis. I picked these two photos because they were a fun way to incorporate images from my list. Can I also point out another oddity? My favorite Jew getting kiss crushed into a Christmas sandwich! Miss you Tashy! You too Hale Storm!

I also went with mainly neutral embellishments, even attacking a Starbucks cup holder with my scallop punch! I may not like coffee but I love Starbucks and their fun product packaging. (Check back later for more on this :) I'm finding that my style is evolving to include a lot of found objects in my scrapbooking. Transforming every day products into embellishments and details in my pages. Loving how they're turning out!


So there you have my inaugural contribution to the Handmade Love Challenge Blog. Click on over to participate and join in on the fun!



  1. I love the journaling, the negative space, and all of the details!!! Very beautiful!

  2. I love this quirky LO and the way you used the twine...err...floss...whatever LOL

    p.s. I don't like coffee anything either!
