How has it only been less than a month since Christmas?! And here we are, a full 22 days into 2012!
Whether you're having fun or not, time just flies!
Before it got too late into the new year, I wanted to scrap some of my Christmas photos.
This year, MT and I flew out to Ohio to spend the Holiday with his family.
It was my first Christmas with the Tomerlins and also our first flying trip anywhere.
We survived the flight together and once that was over with the rest of the holiday was a breeze.
We ate tons of great food, caught up with his friends and just relaxed in general. It was a great time marred only by the brief altercation between me and their Grinch dog, Teddy (seriously, he looks a little like the dog from the Grinch!).
Yeah, well...he decided to give up his spotless no bite record this Christmas. His chosen victim, me of course! It's nearly a month later and I still have the mark on my hand. But even that couldn't take away from the lovely time we had.
I didn't take many photos (shocking I know!) but I do love the images I managed to capture.
Like this one of Matt and his Grandma Rose next to the Christmas tree.
And then just fun shots from Christmas morning, taken with instagram.
Can't it be Christmas time again already?!
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