Saturday, March 31, 2012


Hullo!!! Long time no blog. You know that mojo I'd been talking about a few weeks back? Yeah, it completely blew away. Along with any desire to blog, craft, or create.

I'm trying to get back on the bandwagon. It's been awhile since I've made anything but at least I can share some pages that hadn't yet been blogged.

Here's another Sketchpad layout, that I created based on a past Glitter Girl challenge to use transparencies. I've had this gorgeous gray damask from Hambly for awhile now, and pairing it with the deep purple made for a bold look. Like literally think of the bold Crayola color pack :)

The photos are from a night out in Bangkok. We were celebrating being done with finals and thesis and just wanting to spend time together before the whole MBA & Mountbatten experience came to an end.

I miss this cast of characters so much sometimes. Especially as I'm marooned in Houston at the moment. Why do we have to live so far away from each other?!

cheers & besos,

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