Have I told you what Urijah got for his 3rd birthday? A puppy. Grandma and Grandpa just had to give their favorite little boy a puppy with a bow delivered in a box.
Meet Cadie (kinda like Katie). She's the cutest little thing! 100% puppy from what I'm hearing from my parents. She just loves to play!
Naturally, being an energetic little puppy she was attracted to the ball of motion that is Urijah. But what did Urijah think of his birthday present?
Meh, not so much....
He couldn't figure out why the thing kept following him! Or why it wouldn't leave him alone?! Truth be told he was more interested in Cadie's newly made big sister Hazel, whom he's never cared for a day in his life. But eventually, I think he'll come around.
The page came together quickly with the help of Sketchbook 4 Sketch No. 09, 2Peas Color Combo Challenge and the Studio Calico Paper Moon kit. The kit even came with that cute lil puppy dog stamp. Too perfect!
We're happy to welcome Ms. Cadie to the family. She's got some big puppy shoes to fill. No one will ever come close to our beloved Maddie.
cheers & besos,
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