Hey yall! Back this afternoon sharing my latest piece of altered art. It's a mixed media canvas that I've wanted to do for sooooo long now. And thanks to May's mini class in Camp Scrap, I was able to get it done.
I've had this idea for at least a year now. And I'm so happy that I finally got around to doing it. Plus! I used this crap old canvas I had started to paint on in 2009!!! It's just been dragged from one apartment to the next in its ugly half painted state. Upcycling at it's best =)
I dug into my postcard collection for this piece. I've collected them from all over the world and wanted to get them up in my apartment in some way. And so, this geotag canvas was born.
I went to Kinko's and photocopied and lightened all of my postcards. I also reduced the size to 80%. When I got home, I decopauged them to the canvas using Perfect Paper Adhesive. It was my first stab at this kind of thing, so some of the pages bubbled, some of the corners didn't stick. But I was ok with that. I wanted it to look handmade.
Using wrapping paper (because who gets actual newspapers anymore?!) I made a template of the geotag and traced it over the postcards. After that, it took a somewhat steady hand to outline it in black and then paint the rest of the canvas. It's far from perfect but I absolutely love how it turned out!
Here are a few close ups:
I hung it on the wall that's directly in front of my bedroom door. You can see it as you walk from the living room to the kitchen. I've loved catching glimpses of it as I walk around the apartment.
And, as you can see. I really like black canvases with white designs! Over my bed is an older piece I did of the London skyline. I also have a huge canvas over my living room couch.
cheers & besos,
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