Sunday, February 2, 2014

January Review/2014 Planning

How is it already February? I feel like I say that every month. But time flying by never ceases to amaze me. 

Already one month into the new year, and I’m just now getting around to sharing my plan for the year with you. I actually kind of planned it that way. I decided on the easing in approach. I didn’t want to over stress myself by trying to come up with all my plans during the busiest month of the year.


I knew I’d be taking the Simple Scrappers Start Fresh class. I figured it would be helpful, but I really didn’t realize how much! I love my little planner with its dividers and neat little lists. I’ve already referred to it so much over the past few weeks.

So! What have I got planned for the year? Well let me tell you. [Imagine me licking my finger and flicking through my workbook pages just here]

There are some basic things I would like to accomplish in 2014.

First on the list is keeping up with my Project Life. I’m somehow managing to do this already. And that’s leaving me feeling very accomplished. It’s the batch tasking, tackling a little bit at a time, that’s helping me the most.

I decided on the Handbook approach again this year. I just love the look of these great little pages. Why mess with a good thing, right? I’ll be sharing my finished January pages and a bit about my process later this month.

Each month, I’m also planning to tackle a project. One of my unfinished projects or a new idea I’m really excited about. For the most part, these projects are a whole mess of mini albums. I have a lot of ideas for these but not a lot of time spent getting them done. There’s also a bit of catch up on older half started projects.

For the blog specifically, I’m planning to do one big card post a month. I drew up some sketches on the plane today (or was it last night....I have no idea the time’s all wonky right now) that I’m planning to use and re-use throughout the year. I intentionally made them basic so I could interpret them in a multitude of ways.
I’m also planning to do at least one process video a month. I have fun looking back at these. Making them just takes time. I’ve worked them into my plan so they’ll actually get done!

Since I just invested a chunk of change on Lightroom, I’ll be doing a lot of work this month specifically, on getting acclimated to the software and trying my hand at editing. It will also be part of my monthly process. I plan to edit photos for upcoming projects throughout the year.

Finally, I’m tackling all of the ephemera I’ve let pile up. It’s just sitting there in three different boxes, an unorganized jumbled mess. It’s time for me to do something about that. I’d also like to use it for one of those projects I have on the list. Incentive, right there!

So that’s where I’m going. And I have to say I’m really excited about it, as droll as those plans might sound to you. Not to worry, you’ll be excited about them each as they’re done!

And just as marker and a little recap for myself, this month I made 6 layouts, 19 cards and 36 Project Life spreads. That last number might seem like a lot, but they’re all of my December pages. I did not count them last month because they weren’t all finished. And darn if I’m not going to give myself “points” for the effort.

Do you have any big plans for your scrapbooking year? If yes, I’d love to hear ‘em!

cheers & besos,

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