- Last Friday I woke up, packed a bag, went to work and then got on a plane to London.
- Saturday I arrived in London. I tried to psych myself up to do something. But I just couldn't. Too jet lagged! So I bought some groceries and read my book.
- Sunday was a day spent walking around my favorite city in the world. It was much needed.
- Monday was the first of our training days. We were in presentations the entire day. It wasn't as bad as it sounded. But it was a lot for a Monday. Especially considering it was a Monday after a particularly exhausting weekend.
- Tuesday was another half day of presentations. Then we packed up and headed to the airport for a flight to Aberdeen.
- Wednesday was spent driving around Aberdeen, getting more info and training. Getting back on a bus to catch a flight to Newcastle. Once we got to Newcastle, it was straight into a client reception. Everyone was exhausted at this point. But our clients are lovely and always accommodating. They make it worth it.
- Thursday was spent driving around Newcastle. More presentations and more meetings. Followed by a train to London.
- Friday was my flight back to the US. The 10.5 hour flight wasn't as terrible as it sounds. But still exhausting!
- Saturday morning, while still jet lagged, MT and I drove to San Antonio. I immediately got dressed and then headed to my cousin's wedding.
- Sunday, as in today, we woke up and drove back to Houston. After a crazy hectic 10 days, I'm finally home!!!
Taking all of the above into consideration and the fact that right before this I was away on a 7 day vacation in which we visited 3 different cities/2 countries. Yeah, I'm the kind of tired that I can feel deep down in my bones.
Please do not get me wrong, I'm soooooooo blessed to be able to do this. But I hope this explains why I've been neglecting this little old blog of mine.
But let me switch gears to tell you what I'm excited about.
- Simple Scrapper Summer Focus Retreat! I need to go print my workbook :) I think today is the last day to sign up so get on it if you haven't. It's gonna be fantastic!
- The progress I've made on my Pacific Northwest scrapbook pages
- A fully digital page I just made:
I used a Pinterest find as the basis for this page. I just absolutely loved the design! I'm excited I was able to use it. I'm STILL figuring out this whole digital thing. But it's getting easier.
...and I think I've just hit my wall. But I'm also now happy I can add blogged to that list. I'll check back with you all soon I promise. I just need a few dozen naps.
cheers & besos,
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