Wednesday, January 28, 2015

On My Mind

Hiya! I'm excited to share one of my latest pages. This was the first page I made this year and it was so much fun to do.
I used a Simple Scrapper Story Starter (releasing in the February Spark Magazine) as the starting point for this page, which is all about the daily things that cross my mind. All of the questions I ask myself in a given day, all of the random thoughts milling around up there.
I picked an assortment of Studio Calico Project Life cards (looks like a lot came from Penny Arcade) and just went to town creating my own configuration on a sheet of Kraft cardstock.

I started with a few cards (the pink Ashley Goldberg abstract and Kraft To-do) and created my color scheme from there. It meant flipping through my 3x4 Journaling Card box and pulling from the pink, kraft, yellow and orange sections.
I wrote a lot about being an anxious introvert. We introverts tend to be thinkers, which can take anxiety up several notches. Night time, just before falling asleep, is the worst. Coincidentally, twilight or early evening is my favorite time to think. When the sun has set and all of the city lights are on, I love driving home and getting lost in my thoughts.
I'm not planning to do much pocket scrapping this year. But I'm excited to make more pages like this, featuring all of these gorgeous 3x4 journaling cards.

De-kitting all but the last several months of kits has helped me to not get caught up in trying to make certain things work (i.e. the whole kit together). I feel like I have permission to just use exactly what I want!

In February, I'm planning to share my scrap space and how it's organized. This may be the first layout I made this year, but I've been doing so much scrapbook organizing and planning. I literally went through everything in my stash (I mean eve-ry-thing) chose to keep only the things I loved. I'm excited to share!

cheers & besos,


  1. I was totally blown away by this page. Love the cards you chose & the amount of journaling you got in there. Plus such a great topic to document. This just rocks. I feel you on the introvert/anxiety thing, I'm the same. I find that the 4-7-8 breathing technique helps to calm me down at bed time.

    1. thanks Alexa! I'll have to look up this 4-7-8 technique!

  2. Love this page! I am totally the same way - quiet, but my mind is constantly GOING. I do 1724 things at the SAME time. I'm thinking about 6 different patients and the tasks I need to complete for them, sending two emails, calling the repair man, rooming the next patient, drawing blood on a different patient, and interviewing a new girl ALL at the same time!!

    1. seriously, don't underestimate us! love to hear that it's not just me :D
