Sunday, April 17, 2016


I had so much freakin fun participating in Adele aka InkieQuill's ScrapStream No. 3! It was like cropping with a friend. I got up to my own scrapbook mischief and made five pages. I created with no rhyme or reason. Just went through some of my latest photos, printed them in sizes I thought would work (some didn't) and made pages without kits or parameters. Like I said, so much fun! 
If you're interested in watching the not live ScrapStream you can see it here [Part 1] [Part 2] I'm definitely planning to re-watch the parts I was asleep for.

I think I'll blog about one of these each day this week! So check back to find out more :)

cheers & besos,


  1. Wow, 5 pages, that's awesome!! Can't wait to see these closer up :) They all look fantastic, but I'm loving that heart one!

    1. Thanks Nicole! Yes, I've been getting the most interest about that one :) Have to confess it's my favorite too!
