Hey there!! I feel like I haven't been updating as much this year. It's probably true. But I'm still creating and planning and also printing out photos for my Project Life. I seem to be focusing a lot of energy on the latter. Uploading photos, editing, printing them the appropriate sizes. At this point, I'm just slipping things in pockets, so I can go back to have fun and embellish later. We'll see if that strategy works. I'm still trying to figure this whole Project Life thing out! But I digress....
I'm also still loving being a part of the Simple Scrapper community. Jennifer debuted a new Jumpstarts concept this year. It's exactly what you think it is, in that they are videos that are meant to jumpstart your creativity or help jog your memory. This page is a direct result of that inaugural video. Part of the challenge was to document a time when you had courage. For me, that was almost too easy. The bravest thing I ever did was to move to London after college. More on that in just a bit.
Before I talk about the idea for the page, I wanted to talk about the design. I have to say, it has me pretty excited!I decided to create my own counterfeit kit this month and I used the January Hip Kit Club as my inspiration. I've had this gorgeous Amy Tangerine print in my stash, but I've almost been too intimidated by its beauty to actually use it. Choosing that kit forced me to reconsider it and I'm so glad that it actually made it into the scrapbook!
It's a really spectacular piece and I wanted to use as much of it as I could. But I ended up doing something way different with it. I sliced it down the middle and then pieced it back together. I decided to hide my journaling and did this by gluing the photo strip onto a folded piece. It unfolds to show all of my journaling.
But that's not all folks! I turned the other side into a flap as well. But this covered up an enlarged photo.
From the get go, I knew I wanted to use a line of black and white photos along the side. But it wasn't until I was choosing photos (and after I printed a strip that just didn't work with this page) that I decided to throw in the enlarged print of me in front of Big Ben.
This is what the layout looks like when its all unfolded. (And I have no idea why all of the color got sucked out of this photo!!) The gray polka dot is the B side to the horizontal stripe.
And what it looks like when the photo strip is folded down. Which is how I printed my photos to begin with, on one 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of photo paper.The majority of the embellishing went on this top flap. I used the Cut & Paste sticker book, wood veneer alphas, silver glitter Thickers, those awesome Printshop word stickers and just a few drops of gray ink to embellish. All of which I pulled for my counterfeit January Hip Kit Club kit.
I think what I love most about this page is that it reminds me of a file folder. Given my love for all thing office supplies, that makes me ridiculously happy.
But back to the Jumpstarts and this whole concept of courage. My journaling reads:
Blessed are the brave for they will have adventures. This was by far and away the adventure of a lifetime. Looking back, I really have no idea how/why I threw myself into that situation headfirst, no fear and no trepidation. It's so not me, typically.
After college I made up my mind to move to London. So I figured out how to do it and I just went. I didn't know anyone there. I had never met any of the 5 people I was going to be living with. I had only been to London one other time so I most definitely didn't know the city. If anything went wrong, I was at least 24 hours away from anyone familiar who could rush to my rescue.
Writing all that out makes me wonder why I signed up in the first place. But going back through that list with hindsight, I know I had nothing to worry about. I may not have known anyone when I got there. But by the end, I had dozens of people I would consider my friends. I may not have met my 5 flat mates before, but they became the best friends I've ever had, my true & honest soul mates. I didn't know the city at the beginning, but I learned as much about it as I could. It's a city you continue learning about. And every time I go back, I learn something new!
Moving to London was the bravest thing I've ever had to do and the best decision I ever made. And it never would have happened if I hadn't plucked up the courage to simply pack a bag, get on the plane and go.
See what I mean guys, I'm having so much fun being part of this new community. I'm loving all of the inspiration and the page ideas. I never would have thought to make this page otherwise! It's now the unofficial title page to my album. And something just darn pretty to look at!
cheers & besos,
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