Saturday, January 4, 2014

OLW 2014

I picked a word. Or maybe it picked me. I don't really know. I don't usually pick words because I never stick with them. But this one just wouldn't leave my mind once I thought of it, and I figure its a good point of focus for my year.

This year my one little word is open.
I had fun making this page using a Simple Scrappers sketch and the Studio Calico Antiquary kit that I picked up for cheap on the 2Peas For Sale or Trade Board.

I just joined Simple Scrappers and I'm so excited about it. I took Jennifer's Art + Science class at BPC and just loved her organized teaching style. She has me excited to play this year. You might just
consider joining in.

Oh and if you're wondering about my December album, I decided I want to film a quick video talking through the pages. So much easier than writing it all out. Look for that in the next few days!

cheers & besos,


  1. Beautiful layout, beautiful girl, beautiful word. Here's to opening yourself up and letting others in. May 2014 be beautiful and blessed for you. xoxo

  2. This is an awesome page. Love how you gave it a diagonal push too. I'm so glad you're loving Simple Scrapper. Happy to have you as part of our community!
