I'm excited I got to do some scrapping today, on this, oh so hallowed of days. This is the one weekend a year when I'm usually working. In fact, I should have gone into the office today. But I decided I would just do it tomorrow. I'm exhausted so apologies for the brevity of this post, but I wanted to share my pages somewhere!
All of these pages feature Simple Scrapper sketches. The first two are from the exact same sketch. I love doing that when I know I have something good. It doesn't bother me, especially since these pages will be going into different albums. I also machine stitched on all of them. I set up the machine this afternoon and just left it out. I wish I could leave it out permanently but that's not the case.
And with that, I fall in bed and go to sleep! Hope everyone had a fabulous NSD!
cheers & besos,
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