Behold my latest creation! It just might be one of my favorites.
I've never made a page about scrapbooking, one of my absolute favorite things to do! I have dozens and dozens of pages about travel but non about this hobby. I made a mini book once that was kind of in the theme. But with the help of a Simple Scrapper Jumpstart video (No. 3 to all my fellow SS) and the NSD stamp set from Studio Calico, I had just the tools to do it.I love the bottom right hand side of the page. It came together seamlessly. The top however, did not. And that black paper is a sign of me covering something up and hoping to get it right!!
I was so inspired by Nicole Reaves' Read to You layout. I was enchanted by those little books!! And so I made my own mini scrapbooks.
There was a lot of synthesis of ideas and products pulled from several places. I like that my brain makes connections that help me mesh them all together on the page.
And the Amy Tangerine stuff just makes this page fun! A few weeks back I made a big purchase from I order from them rarely but they had
cheers & besos,
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