Saturday, May 1, 2010

Mini Book May!

Here's the next of my fun surprises for May! And it all started with numbers and my obsession with them. I'm a crazy counter person. I count everything without really thinking about it. And sometimes I count things intentionally. For example, I have this tally sheet of scrappy creations. I keep track of how many layouts, cards and mini books I do, month by month. Dorky I know!! But alas, dorky I am.

Here are my numbers for 2010:

Layouts [70]
Cards [49]
Minis [7]

Only 7 minis! I love making minis! They're such a great way to get crafty with a whole bunch of pictures...or a little. I love making them for friends as gifts. In fact, 6 of those were actually made for friends, in the month of January alone. But I love making them for myself as well! And I've missed putting them together. Plus, one can never have too many minis! Thus an idea was born.

So here's what I'm doing for the month of May which I've now dubbed Mini Book May. I'm implementing Mini Book Monday! Every Monday I plan to bring you a new mini book that I've created, offer up a few tutorials, and at the end of the month, a RAK for someone who comments on one of the 4 planned posts. Fun, right? I hope so anyway! The photos above are a few sneaks of the first mini, debuting on the blog May 3. The inaugural Mini Monday post!

Seems that mini books are on the brain elsewhere in the scrappy world. I was listening to the Paperclipping Roundtable at the gym last week, and it was all about mini books. You can read about it and listen to it here. They had some interesting things to say but I was so in gym mode I've kind of forgotten what they were =/

I've added a link for you all to be able to view my current minis over on flickr. You can access it here or scroll down and click on the photo in my sidebar.

Hope you come back to share in the mini mayhem!! And I'd love for everyone to link up any mini's you've created for us to all see! Happy Scrapping!



  1. Wow you blow me away with all that you have done. It is only May. I don't think I get that much done in a year.
    Mine would be
    Layouts 34 (only because I did the Dec. Daily) or else it would be 2
    Cards 5
    Minis 5

  2. Holy cow, lady! You're going to be busy this May. But, that's good, because I love seeing your work!
