Sunday, September 22, 2013

Summer 2013

I blinked and suddenly we're almost to the end of September. And officially, done with summer. I had a fabulous summer this year. Can't you tell? 
I've had this summer wrap up page on my "to make" list. And one of our Art + Science class challenges (the left brained ideation one) is to create a page off your list. So here it is!

I hate to admit this, but I only sporadically watch the fabulous daily TwoPeas videos (a shame really). But the latest one from Lilith Eeckels totally had me inspired to scrap. Two of her prompts are featured here: leave it as is (or nearly) and get nature involved.

This past week I've been doing some purging and organizing, I took the plunge and now have most of my paper organized by color! I did a small exercise, where I made a pile of my most favorite have to use papers. And also included papers that I thought would be perfect for my list of projects. This yellow paper is one of the latter:
 The bright yellow circles just screamed summer & sun to me. And I thought they made perfect frames for a few circular photos. So I printed a smattering of summer highlight photos and punched them out with a circle punch.
The facing page is this fabulously awesome Pebbles background. I loved the words and didn't want to cover any of it up! So as Lilith suggested, I left it nearly as is; just added in bits of patterned paper scraps and a few puffy stickers. Viola!
I had fun embellishing this page, finding circular and none circular elements to balance the photos. Love that badge!
 And I wanted to be sure to use the Summer 2013 stamp from a Kelly Purkey set. Now's the time!
I dropped a few colors of mist onto the background, because I knew the colors would look fab on the white parts and be hidden by the blacks (a trick I did for this page as well)
The last part was to include the year, so I pulled out my Thickers and made it bright and colorful.

I'm thinking I'll probably add an insert page to include journaling and a few large photos. Probably one of these Becky Higgins ones for a bit of variety.

Oh summer, you were good to me. I had some fun, saw some cool places and hung out with friends. And thanks to Project 12 & all of my online learning, I'm almost all caught up!

cheers & besos,

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